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MRL Database

Maximum Residue Limit Database

For high-priority crop protectants

If you participate in the coffee supply chain, it is important that you understand crop protectants and the regulations governing their usage. 

The NCA has created a database of Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for crop protectants that may be associated with coffee. This database includes information on a crop protectant's class or type, active substance, U.S. Tolerance*, and Maximum Residue Limits for Canada, Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, and Codex.  As of March 2024, EU MRLs are included as well. This database is not inclusive of all active substances associated with coffee production but instead lists those considered higher priority by coffee industry members. 

This database was produced with the support of industry experts specializing in crop protectant regulation across multiple countries and supply chain sectors. The NCA will regularly consult with this group to re-evaluate and monitor for changes to the regulatory status of protectants in the database. 

 Access the MRL Database


*The U.S. calls MRLs "Tolerances" by definition, but they are synonymous with Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) referred to in other countries. Per EPA.

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