“Safety first” is a goal that every business owner should embrace. Is your coffee business focused on protecting your most valuable asset – your team?
Announcing a new, coffee-specific program developed by NCA to help coffee businesses understand and address workplace hazards. This webinar – designed to easily fit your busy schedule – will address issues generally found in food manufacturing environments, as well as those specific to coffee, such as emissions from roasting and grinding like CO2, carbon monoxide (CO), and diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione.
In addition to the overview provided in the webinar, this session will provide a list of resources that every coffee business owner should consider relying upon to build their own safety plan.
There’s nothing more important than protecting your team – and your business. Sign up now for this efficient, coffee-specific webinar – and make sure that you truly embrace the goal of “safety first.”
This webinar will highlight:
- Moving equipment parts with impingement risk and using guards and lock-out, tag out procedures to reduce injury risk;
- Loud noises associated with packaging equipment and using ear protection to prevent hearing loss;
- Configuring workplace ergonomics to prevent repetitive motion injuries;
- Wearing protective eyeglasses to reduce risk of foreign objects entering the eyes;
- Having long hair tied back to prevent getting it caught;
- Having CO, CO2, diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione, known as volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) given off from freshly roasted coffee, and having good ventilation and monitors in place to catch high levels that may occur.
NCA cannot create a custom industrial hygiene solution for every coffee business – but we can give you the basics and tools so that each business can become better informed, and create its own plan that addresses its specific needs.
Mark Corey Ph.D., Director of Scientific & Government Affairs, National Coffee Association USA

Dr. Mark Corey oversees all aspects of coffee science, regulatory affairs, and will serve as staff liaison with the Scientific Advisory Group; Mark will complete his final volunteer term as Chairperson of the committee through March 2019. Mark will also focus on developing stronger relationships and representation for coffee with key stakeholders in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country in government, academia, and industry.
For additional information or questions please contact Matthew Cariani at mcariani@ncausa.org