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NCA Coffee Market Research

NCA Coffee Market Research

Get the information your business needs to succeed - from consumer insights to emerging coffee market trends. 

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National Coffee Association Market Research Publications:


NCDT National Coffee Data Trends

The NCDT is the coffee industry standard report for tracking US consumer behaviors and attitudes. 

Studylogic Quarterly Market Sizing

NCA Member Exclusive - Quarterly Market Sizing

Learn more about Customized Coffee Data, Quarterly Market Sizing, and Scorecard Reports

Specialty Coffee Report

Your key to understanding the trends driving specialty coffee consumption in the U.S. 

Specialty coffee consumption among Americans continues to grow, even during times of heightened financial concerns.

Coffee, Consumers & Covid-19: Road Map to Recovery

Chart a course through the pandemic with this first-of-its-kind, Members-only report -- the latest addition to the expanding NCDT Market Research Series.

NCDT Consumer Insight Reports

Now exclusively for NCA Members

Get targeted, in-depth insights into key issues on Single-Serve, Ethnicity & Gender, Cold Brew & RTD, Gen Z, Coffee Claims, In/Out-of-Home, Gourmet, Coffee & Health, Coffee Brewing, At Work, and Tea.

Economic Impact of the Coffee Industry

NCA Industry Research

Not only does coffee power your day, it also helps power the U.S. economy.

Past NCA Market Research Reports

NCA Generational Report

Generational Report

For the first time ever, we've analyzed the latest coffee consumption data along generational lines - and it turns out, age is more than just a number.

Order Now

Other Sources: Facts & Stats

Coffee Market Resources

ICO Global Imports, Exports, and Consumption

The International Coffee Organization compiles information from governments to provide information on coffee prices, trade, production, and consumption.

More: ICO

Coffee Market Resources

USDA World Markets and Trade

The United States Department of Agriculture’s latest official data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in coffee.

More: USDA

Coffee Market Resources

USITC Current US Trade Data

The United States International Trade Commission Interactive Tariff and Trade Dataweb can be queried to obtain historical and up-to-date statistics on trade by HTS (harmonized tariff schedule) numbers. The code for coffee queries is 0901, with subcodes for specific classifications. (Free account registration required)




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