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coffee and health from head to toe poster




"Coffee drinkers live longer, healthier, happier lives"

Brody, J., Health Benefits of Coffee, New York Times (2021)


"Drinking coffee reduces risk of multiple cancers, including skin cancer"

Fortes, C., Are anti-inflammatory foods associated with a protective effect for cutaneous melanoma? European Journal of Cancer Prevention (2020)

Rock, C.L., et al., American Cancer Society guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinician (2020)


"Drinking coffee can boost metabolism, help maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of diabetes"

Harvard School of Public Health, Four cups of coffee a day associated with modest loss of body fat (2020)

Madriakis et al., Caffeine Attenuates Delayed-Onset Muscle Pain and Force Loss Following Eccentric Exercise, The Journal of Pain (2006)


"Drinking coffee is associated with improved mental health and brain function"

Kim J, Kim J., Green Tea, Coffee, and Caffeine Consumption Are Inversely Associated with Self-Report Lifetime Depression in the Korean Population, Nutrients (2018)

Davis, N., Coffee cuts risk of dying from stroke and heart disease, study suggests, The Guardian (2017)

Parkinson’s Foundation, Coffee and Parkinson’s: Protection in the Making (2019)


"Drinking coffee is associated with healthy hearts and may even help heal broken ones"

American Heart Association, Coffee may help reduce risk for heart failure (2021)

Walton, A., Researchers Figure Out Why Coffee Is Good For The Heart, Forbes (2018)


Bottom right ("legs") section

Miranda, G., Drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day reduces risk of liver cancer, study suggests, USA Today (2021)

Rock, C.L., et al., American Cancer Society guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinician (2020)

Bakalar, N., Coffee Tied to Lower Risk of Prostate Cancer, New York Times (2021)

Levy, R., Coffee connection gets stronger, The Harvard Gazette (Health & Medicine) (2020)